"Understand I'll slip quietly away from the noisy crowd when I see the pale stars rising, blooming over the oaks...I'll pursue solitary pathways through the pale twilt meadows with only this one dream...You come too."
-Rainer Maria Rilka
Thank-You for coming on this year's journey, from the deepest part of my heart, Thank-You. I crossed over this great nation twice, wiped my tears so I could see through my lens at your bride, laughed at the best man's jokes and felt the warm sand of Australian beaches in between my toes. I held your hand while you put on your wedding dress and I watched your parents adore you. It was a magnificent year and I dare say I danced. I danced with you, I danced when I left you, for the opportunity you granted me with your invitations, to have insight on those exquisite moments of real LIFE. Here's to a new year and to new adventures! Stay with me.